
Color Coding

You can organize your news articles by setting color coding on. Colors will be applied based on category.

Color Coding Settings

You can change colors of the default categories or of your custom categories by using the Color Coding option. For each Category/Color pair, make sure to use the following format:


You can also set the color coding for more than one category using the semicolon to separate them:

health[#cccccc]; opinions[blue]; customCategory[rgb(0, 0, 0)]

Custom Icons

You can also organize your news articles by setting custom icons (the layout selected must support icons). The icons will be applied based on category.

Custom Icons Settings

You can also change the icons of the default categories or of your custom categories by using the Custom Icons option. For each Category/Icon pair, make sure to use the following format:

category[icon classes]

The web part only supports Font Awesome icons.

You can set the custom icons for more than one category:

Politics[fa-briefcase]; tech[fa-gift]; world[fa-cog fa-spin fa-3x fa-fw]; customCategory[fa-cog]